About the author

Linu Freddy

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  • Hi Linu,

    I came across this link from Chef at Large FB group and instantly fell in love with your food blog… extremely awed and inspired by the collection of recipes that you have put up!! Kudos!!! 🙂 🙂 I was passionate about cooking but never really delved on the thought exactly.. I am trying to re-kindle that fire I had set in me and have been enjoying my renewed love for it these past couple of months… :’)

    There are some recipes though which dont show up like the Stir fried beef and cabbage and the Chicken Quiche… Would love to see them if you can re-update it.

    Thank you and best regards

  • Hi Linu,

    I came across this link from Chef at Large FB group and instantly fell in love with your food blog… extremely awed and inspired by the collection of recipes that you have put up!! Kudos!!! 🙂 🙂 I was passionate about cooking but never really delved on the thought exactly.. I am trying to re-kindle that fire I had set in me and have been enjoying my renewed love for it these past couple of months… :’)

    There are some recipes though which dont show up like the Stir fried beef and cabbage and the Chicken Quiche… Would love to see them if you can re-update it.

    Thank you and best regards

    • Thank you so much for writing in Anusha. And am truly sorry for the inconvenience costed. The website had been facing some issues for some time. Thankfully, its all been resolved.. Happy Cooking!

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